Saturday, January 19, 2013

Red-bellied woodpecker

Courtesy of

a splendid black and white red head stands out gaily against the gray bark
he sparkles in the sunlight, he is the main show
gravity is no problem as he skitters up the trunk searching for his bounty
his brief visit is a rare treasure that makes me hope we will see more


  1. Thank you... He was beautiful to see.

  2. Awesome and such a crisp photo too... I've been stalking a cardinal in my garden, but each time I reach for my camera it flies away... I have only one foggy shot so far. Love yours. ;-)

    1. Thank you! I wish I could take credit for this photo, but I too have problems photographing birds. I'm just not fast enough. We can thank the Moberly, Mo school district for this photo. They have an educational sight about Missouri birds. I saw the bird outside my window, but borrowed from them for the photo... :-)
