Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Calm Before the Storm

© 2011 Salem Gray
finches forage in the sleeping garden
the sunlight is bright, not a cloud in sight
no sign of the coming storm
threatening with rain and snow and ice

finches forage seed
sunlight bright, no cloud in sight
coming storm unseen


  1. Playing catch up. Lovely haiku as always.
    I keep thinking I'm going to do a month of haiku (or related style) but then something else pops up.

    That storm...I've seen it. Rain and snow mix around 2pm. I think it stopped, but it is still cold, grey and windy.

    1. Thank you Jules. I enjoy the Haiku form. I keep trying to get to a 3-5-3 rhythm, but so far I've needed the more words to make it work. Time and practice...

      This particular storm is supposed to hit us tomorrow afternoon, and its predicted to be quite nasty. No early Spring for us... :-)

  2. I live in Downeast Maine and tonight's forecast is, from the tv weatherman, "slush" (rain then snow) and snow inland. My blog has a new post of the damage from yesterdays storm, and the beautiful skies before and after !

    You haiku is right on the money...thank you. Hope your storm wasn't as bad as predicted.

    Stay safe.

  3. We are bracing for the storm late this afternoon. The experts are calling for an ice storm similar to what we had in 2007. I don't believe it will cause as much damage - the problem trees were taken care of after that storm! :-)

    Thank you for stopping by Siggi.
