Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sun-catchers and Forsythia

Photo from Google Images
Haiku Heights Prompt: Shimmer

watching in fascination 
the rainbow as it shimmers
oh so briefly on the floor
the sparkling sun-catcher turns
slowly in the morning light

morning light
sparkling sun-catcher
shimmers brief

Carpe Diem Prompt: Forsythia

photo from Wikipedia Commons

early morning light
forsythia sparkles bright
diamonds of dew


  1. Attempting to be healthy - I took a walk around the block in almost 50F weather. Good thing I did today anyway as the rest of the week is looking cloudy.
    No blooms, but bulbs are breaking the soil.

    spokes on natures’ wheel
    green shafts to be daffodils
    and tulips roll forth

    (c) JP/davh

    1. Our temps were great here today also. Snow forecasted for tomorrow - just enough to be annoying...:-(

      Lovely Haiku. I am so ready for Spring... :-)

  2. These are beautiful haiku... I see you did several like me to catch up. :-)
