Monday, March 4, 2013

Spring Storms and Gardens

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Carpe Diem prompt:  First Spring Gust

hawk's search for nourishment
suspended by spring's dark storm
critters have moved to shelter
hawk moves on

hawk's search suspended
critters driven to shelter
hides from spring's dark storm

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a dark storm passes 
leaving behind first spring gust
and sweet scents of spring

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after spring's warm rain
seeds sprout, plants bloom, gardens grow
food for the summer


  1. The hawks fascinate me! And you have captured them in your poem!

    1. We are fortunate to have a pair in our neighborhood (actually, I think we now have 2 pair). They are beautiful to watch. and have been much more active of late. They seem to keep the rodent population down, and I suspect they may be the reason stray felines have all but disappeared. Thank you for stopping by... :-)

  2. Besides Redtail hawk, I had thought I saw a falcon in our neighborhood. A birder though has informed me that what I thought was a falcon was perhaps a Goshawk. (I hope I spelled that correctly.)

    1. I know that the hawks I see here are red tails, but other than that I really couldn't tell you which was which. I know the hawks I see sitting on posts in the country are smaller than those in my neighborhood, perhaps the goshawks suggested to you? I just know they are beautiful... :-)

  3. The dark , disturbing feel of the gale has been sketched perfectly ! loved it ! :)

  4. Good day Dana, what a wonderful post you have shared here with Carpe Diem. I love the way how you've been inspired by 'first spring gust'.

    1. Thank you Kristjaan! I always appreciate you words of encouragement... :-)

  5. These are terrific... and the photos too.
